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Our Services
Custom design stone engraving and monument building

Granite Memorials
Various cemetery memorials including upright monuments, slant monuments, pillow markers, grass flush markers.

Natural Granite Memorials
Unique One-Of-A-Kind Natural Rock Memorials.

Granite Products
Estate and Commercial Address rocks, Plaques, Benches, Address Plates, Golf Course Signage, etc

Landscape Rock Products
A local source of various types of landscape rock including granite, limestone, armour stone and different types of flagstone.

Porcelain Photos
Custom black and white or colour porcelain photos available in different sizes and shapes.

Bronze Memorials
Interior and Exterior Wall-mounted plaques, Flat granite mounted bronze markers, bronze vases and candle holders.

Bronze Products
Various bronze products including but not limited to; vases, candles, statues, religious symbols and artifacts.

Dimensional Letters
All types of dimensional letters fabricated from aluminum, brass, copper bronze, stainless steel or acrylic. In addition to L.E.D. illuminated letters
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